We've compiled a list of frequently asked question for your convenience.
If none of these answer your question, simply Contact Us!
If none of these answer your question, simply Contact Us!
What is the shelf life of the cakes & treats and do they need to be refrigerated?
Most of our treats, cakes, and cookies are shelf stable and they are to be kept at room temperature. These types of treats do have a shelf life of up to one year. We do, however stock certain cakes and cupcakes that are to be frozen until purchase and the shelf life after defrost is usually up to one week while kept in the refrigerator. Our frozen selection is indicated in each product image and description.
Are all your treats corn, wheat & soy free?
Many of our treats, cakes & cookies are corn, wheat & soy free. However, we do carry some that will contain wheat flour. If you do need to see an ingredient list on a particular item, do not hesitate to contact us directly for us to obtain that for you.
Are all your cakes soft in texture?
Depending on the product & baker, not all our cakes and "pupcakes" are soft. Most of our shelf stable items will have a semi-soft to a "biscuit-like" texture that your dog should have no issues eating. However, all of our frozen cakes and cupcakes will have a much softer texture after defrost.
Can my dog's name be written on a cake for it's birthday?
All of our cakes we carry have been pre-designed already by our selected bakers. Therefore, they will either have a generic "happy birthday", "happy barkday" or "yappy birthday" saying already designed on the cake. If you are looking for a custom made cake, please contact us and we can have one of our baker's arrange your request. Please allow at least a two week minimum advance notice for any custom request.
My dog has a sensitive stomach at times. are these cakes or treats okay to give?
Any new of "anything" to a puppy or adult dog's tummy can always affect its stomach. Therefore, we recommend that if your puppy or dog has never had specifically a "decorated" handmade pet bakery treat, start with a small portion first. Should your pet get a little loose stools, simply give a little pumpkin in your pet's bowl during its next meal.
Some of your treats looks like it has chocolate on it. is this really chocolate?
NO! Any treat, cake or cupcake that looks like it has chocolate on it is actually carob which is a safe alternative that pets can have.
How many of these treats can i give my dog a day?
Although these treats are all made out of human grade ingredients, they are to be just that.... a treat! Whether it's a special occasion, a holiday, a celebration of some sort, it is completely safe to have your dog indulge in these novelty treats from time to time as long as they don't have any severe stomach sensitivities. We always recommend starting out with a small portion of a treat first should you have any concerns.